SoundPack dispatches orders with new eco-friendly packaging.
Some time ago, we decided to attempt to cut down on the quantity of paper and cardboard we disposed of in bins. A decision to shred suitable material and use for packing to fill cartons for small quantities that didn’t fill a carton, has produced amazing results, undreamt of in the initiation.
We’ve been surprised at how well the shredded material has seemed to work, and also been amazed at how much packing material we produce just by shredding everything we can. It’s been a good exercise and an amazing lesson!
If you receive any of this material in the packing of your order, we trust you like what we’re doing and encourage comments you may have – positive or negative.
One library uses the packing material to fill dolls and small toys that children make in their weekly Kids Corner time. Do you have a story? We’d love to hear it.